January 14, 2025 -

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Visits from Israel to Fairmount Temple As Long as My Feet Will Allow Me: Edith Paller, Fairmount Temple Life Trustee

Our honored member and life trustee to our Fairmount Temple Board, Edith Paller, made aliyah to Israel in 2007. Upon her return to Jersualem after visiting with temple on Rosh Hashanah just a few weeks ago, she composed this short message and asked that we share it with our temple community, along with the invitation to visit Israel and her offer to help you feel welcome on visits you might make to Jerusalem. Feel free to reply to Edith’s blog post below with a comment of your own or to share her invitation with others in the Fairmount Temple community.

When I moved to Israel four and a half years ago, I vowed to return every year as long as “my feet would allow me.” Since making aliyah, my annual visits were in the summer.

This year, 2012, was the first time I came for the Jewish holidays in the fall. I celebrated Rosh Hashanah in Cleveland, observed Yom Kippur at my daughter and family’s Reform temple in Evanston, and the first day of Sukkot at a Reform temple in Providence, RI. Not only was I able to attend Rosh Hashanah services at Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple, but I was there for Selichot and the first gathering of my Sunday Study Group, with Rabbi Josh Caruso as our speaker. This group has been meeting in members’ homes for stimulating programs for over 30 years.

Rosh Hashanah at Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple was very special for me – coming home to the temple in which I was raised and nurtured since the third grade. It was such a good feeling to be greeted by family and friends of a lifetime, other friends who joined ACFT through the years, and my newest friend, Fairmount Temple’s Senior Rabbi Rob Nosanchuk.

It was my good fortune to hear our senior rabbi’s passionate messages – on our responsibilities to Israel on erev Rosh Hashanah and to social action on Rosh Hashanah morning. Rabbi Rob’s warmth and intelligence are guiding ACFT to new heights.

In Jerusalem I belong to two synagogues – the Reform Kol HaNeshama and Conservative Moreshet Avraham, which is closer to where I live. Every Shabbat I participate in services at both, one on Friday night, erev Shabbat and the other on Shabbat morning. Both synagogues have dynamic, friendly congregatons. Although I enjoy friendships with members of different ages, it’s the friendships and memories of Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple that sustain me.

That’s the reason that I look forward to visitors to Israel from Fairmount Temple, on tours or individual trips. The temple’s marvelous adult trip in April, 2012, led by Rabbi Rob Nosanchuk, had participants whom I’ve known for many years (including my cousins) and others who have become my new friends.

Just as you greet me in Cleveland, I want to welcome you to my new city. Jerusalem Is an amazing place to live and an awesome place to visit. Let this year be your year in Jerusalem.