A new member recently approached me in the school wing of temple, so gratified that he and his partner had chosen to make Anshe Chesed their home as a Jewish family. Another saw me after a Shabbat service, grateful for my assistance at the naming of his granddaughter, and asked me how he could best thank the temple for making yet another milestone in his life an uplifting one for his family.
I encouraged him- if he wanted to show his gratitude and commitment to the chesed for which our temple stands, that he could share a meaningful gift with our Friends of Fairmount Annual Campaign.
When I think of Friends of Fairmount, I see it as a very powerful way to show gratitude and appreciation for our temple’s longstanding role as a leader in chesed (“kindness”) here in Cleveland. I know the same is true for my colleagues Cantor Sager and Rabbi Caruso, whose leadership in this community are precious to us all. When each of us see the growing number of our members who are giving to the Friends of Fairmount campaign, it feels like such an important vote of confidence in our efforts to make chesed a realized value here at temple.
This is true whether the chesed is in the form of the caring teachers and student leaders (madrichim) in our vibrant schools, retreats, and holiday programs, or whether the kindness is in the outreach from temple volunteers, staff and clergy as they respond to a lost job, a recent hospitalization or a death in the family. It is this core value that you are supporting when you or someone you love, honors temple with support through the Friends of Fairmount Annual campaign, be it right now as 2013 comes to a close, or before July when the 2013-14 appeal, led by our member Todd Silverman and a dedicated team of volunteers, will conclude.
In the coming weeks, gifts to Friends of Fairmount will be helping to support vibrant programming such as:
On our temple’s website, you can view a list of all members who donated to the previous campaign and at temple. You can also view in the kiosk as you enter temple, the honor roll of members who supported at the level of $250 or more. Won’t you please join this list and offer a pledge to Friends of Fairmount? As you may know, the financial support provided by dues commitments provides less than half of what our temple requires to continue to lead the Jewish community, to lead in chesed, to lead the community in new initiatives of lifelong learning, prayer and social action.
Thanks- in advance- for your generosity, your kindness and support,
Robert A. Nosanchuk
Senior Rabbi
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