This sermon was shared by Rabbi Elle Muhlbaum during the Erev Rosh Hashanah Sanctuary Service, Sep. 25, 2022. “Living Our Weeks” This summer, we traveled to one of, if not the top seven, at least the top ten wonders of the world: Niagara Falls. We stayed in a home about a mile from the Continue Reading »
This sermon was shared by Rabbi Robert Nosanchuk during the Rosh Hashanah Sanctuary Service, Sep. 26, 2022. When Your Heart is Burdened, Speak Up Most years on Rosh Hashanah we read Genesis 22, when Abraham is commanded to bind his own son as a sacrifice. Though child sacrifice never occurs in Torah and it Continue Reading »
Noah Zelin, president of ACTY (Anshe Chesed Temple Youth), shared the following remarks at the ACTY-led Kol Nidre service on Sept. 15, 2021. Good evening and thank you for tuning in to our teen-led Kol Nidre service. Just a couple days ago many of us here went to our first night of religious school. I Continue Reading »
This post on If Not Now, When?, the interactive blog of Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple, was shared by Todd Silverman, President, at our Rosh Hashanah Congregational Service. Shana Tova Fairmount Temple. I’m Todd Silverman and it is my honor and privilege to address you as President for the third and final time on this Rosh Hashanah. I Continue Reading »
This post on If Not Now, When?, the interactive blog of Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple, is shared by Rabbi Joshua Caruso as we approach the High Holy Days. Each year, during the month of Elul, we revisit Psalm 27, a reminder of the tenuous of life, vulnerability, and our reach towards holiness. The most memorable verse of Continue Reading »
This post on If Not Now, When?, the interactive blog of Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple, was written by Cantor Laureate Sarah Sager and shared just before the High Holy Days of 5782. When I was growing up in Chicago, I learned to associate the High Holy Days with baseball! While I know fairly little about the sport, I was Continue Reading »
This post on If Not Now, When?, the interactive blog of Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple, is the sermon shared by Rabbi Robert Nosanchuk on Rosh Hashanah, 2020. The late U.S. Congressman John Lewis once said: “You have to tell the whole truth, the good, the bad, and maybe some things that are uncomfortable for some people.” I Continue Reading »
This post on If Not Now, When?, the interactive blog of Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple, is the sermon shared by Rabbi Joshua Caruso on Erev Rosh Hashanah, 2020. At break of day, the angels pushed Lot to get going, “Hurry. Get your wife and two daughters out of here before it’s too late and you’re caught Continue Reading »
Rabbi Joshua Caruso shared these remarks during the April 20 Community-Wide Yom HaShoah Commemoration. The link to the entire streamed ceremony can be found here. Shalom, everyone. On behalf of Rabbi Nosanchuk, Cantor Sager and Rabbi Chernow-Reader, and the lay leadership of Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple, we are honored to virtually host tonight’s commemoration of Yom HaShoah. Continue Reading »
This post on If Not Now, When?, the interactive blog of Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple, is the sermon shared by Rabbi Robert Nosanchuk at the Yom Kippur Yizkor Memorial Service, 2019. We encourage you to share comments below, or to post the link to this post on social media such as Facebook or Twitter, or to share with Continue Reading »
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