Your support of the annual appeal is essential to sustaining and growing Mishkan Or. With membership dues covering less than half of our budget, your generosity plays a critical role in our ability to thrive. The annual appeal funds everything that makes Mishkan Or special—spiritually uplifting worship, Tikkun Olam, lifelong learning for all generations, and programming of all kinds, ensuring we connect with and inspire every demographic in our community. Just as importantly, it allows us to support the individuals and families within our congregation, while never turning anyone away for financial reasons. Your contribution helps us address today’s challenges while building a vibrant future for generations to come. Thank you for being an integral part of our success!
Table and Ticket Opportunities
(Tables include additional recognition)
Queen Esther’s Court – $3,600
($2,880 is tax deductible)
Dinner seating for 8 (whole table)
Vashti’s Entourage – $1,800
($1,440 is tax deductible)
Dinner seating for 4 (half table)
Individual Tickets
Mordechai’s Mensches – $360 per ticket
This special ticket increases your contribution to Queen Esther’s Mitzvah Project
($270 is tax deductible)
Shushan Resident – $180 per ticket
($90 is tax deductible)
If you cannot attend but want to make a greater impact, please consider a tax-deductible contribution to Stronger Together or an additional contribution to support a member who would otherwise be unable to attend.